How does OmniFocus (launched 2008) compare to Things (launched 2009) over 113 features that NoteApps indexes? We have found & documented 41 features in OmniFocus vs 39 features in Things. A complete accounting of their feature availability is provided below.
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OmniFocus has 41 cataloged features
Things has 39 cataloged features
Difficulty of switching between apps:
Equal parts similar and different.
Migration won't be super easy, but not terrible
23 overlapping features
offered by both
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OmniFocusLaunched 2008
ThingsLaunched 2009
What functionality exists to schedule tasks to a calendar?
24-hour view
Time can be formatted as a 0-23 hour value (military time)
Android support
More than half of the calendar features on desktop are available on an Android phone
Apple Calendar export
Tasks scheduled in the app can be displayed on Apple Calendar
Apple Calendar import
Events from an Apple Calendar can be shown on in-app calendar
An in-app calendar
Color configurable
User can control what color is associated with tasks
Completed tasks
Completed tasks can be viewed within a calendar
Configurable start-of-week day
Daily view
Tasks scheduled for a single day can be viewed within a calendar
Tasks are presented alongside a calendar, allowing them to be dragged to the calendar
Dual event/task
User controls whether items behave as event (marked complete after scheduled time) or task (marked complete after clicked)
Google Calendar export
Tasks scheduled in the app can be published to at least one Google Calendar
Google Calendar import
Events from a Google Calendar can be shown on in-app calendar
Monthly view
Tasks scheduled by month can be viewed within a calendar
Multiple external calendars
More than one external calendar account can be connected for import and export
Outlook Calendar export
Tasks scheduled in the app can be published to show on an Outlook calendar
Outlook Calendar import
Events from an Outlook Calendar can be shown on in-app calendar
Partial week view
Calendar can present a 3-day or 4-day view of upcoming tasks
Single-click complete
Tasks shown in the calendar view can be marked as done with one click
Weekly view
Tasks for the upcoming week can be viewed within a calendar
Yearly view
Upcoming and completed tasks can be viewed for a chosen year
iOS (iPhone) support
More than half of features available on desktop calendar can be accessed on iPhones
What options exist for creating new tasks?
In-app task creation hotkey
When using the app, there is a global shortcut key that can be pressed to add a task
System-wide hotkey
A hotkey allows entering a new note or task while in the midst of using any desktop app
Two or less taps to add from mobile
When the mobile app is opened, no more than two taps are ever necessary to add a new task
Two or less taps to add from mobile => Images
Mobile task adding input allows an image to be attached to newly created task
Web clipper
An official plugin exists that allows a screenshot, or text, captured from web page to be inserted into a task
What functionality exists to understand past tasks completed?
Cascading completion
When one task is completed, it can trigger the completion of other chosen tasks (not in the hierarchy of the completed task)
Global completed view
All completed tasks over a configurable time range can be displayed
Global completed view => Breakdown by hierarchy
Time spent on completed tasks can be segmented by the organization tags/folder that had been assigned to task
Time tracking
Time used to complete a task can be tracked by starting a timer
Waiting (hidden) until complete
It's possible to hide a task until another chosen task is completed
Formatting Supported
What core functionality does the app offer for structuring and formatting task content?
Batch complete
Multiple non-nested sibling tasks can be selected to mark done together
Format the text as source code
Code => Syntax highlighting
Apply visual styles (like colors or font styles) to the code
Colored text
Excluding text that gets colored as a side effect of some other formatting feature listed (e.g., highlight)
App provides a built-in means by which to capture user drawings, sketches, or handwriting
Drawing/handwriting => Handwriting to text
Drawn content from within the app can be translated into text
Font size
Different font sizes be used
Text or images can be linked from a particular string of text in the note (not just URLs)
Selected text can show a colored background
Viewable image files (jpg, png, etc.) can be included within a task
Images => Can be cropped
The task app provides editing tools that allow an image to be cropped (e.g., to remove the left half of it)
Images => Can be resized
The task app allows the edges of the picture to get dragged so it becomes larger or smaller
Images => OCR image text in full text search
Words in the image are added to full text search, so the note will show up in search results that contain a word from within the image
A formatting text style that slants the letters evenly to the right
Tex extensions commonly used for expressing mathematics
A monospace font with its own background color can be invoked without breaking a line. Sometimes referred to as "inline code"
Child tasks can be defined such that completing or hiding the parent task applies that same operation to all child tasks
Nesting/Sub-tasks => Collapsible
It's possible to "fold" or "contract" a group of tasks so that sub-tasks are hidden
Nesting/Sub-tasks => Draggable
Groups of task hierarchies can be dragged from one location to another
PDF documents
Tasks can include a linked Adobe PDF document
Selection formatting menu
A compact, inline formatting bar which remains hidden until text is highlighted
A task can be hidden from a list for a configurable duration of time
Snooze => Via Keyboard
A task can be hidden from view for configurable time without leaving the keyboard
a line can be placed through a word or sentence
Content can be placed in a grid of table cells
Playable videos can be included within a task
What features does the task provider offer in terms of third-party integrations and utilities adjacent to the task content itself?
Create a task from Slack
Create a task from email
Share from Android
A task can be created via the "Share" extension on Android
Share from iOS
A task can be created via the "Share" extension on iOS
Login Providers
Which login types are supported?
Apple is provided as a third party login option
Google is provided as a third party login option
Which platforms are officially supported?
There is an Android app available for download in the Play store
Includes web apps that can be installed via official PWA or Electron
App is available via web browser
Includes web apps that can be installed via PWA or Electron
Windows => Native app
An installable app is available that isn't a Progressive Web App or thin Electron wrapper
There is an iOS app available for download in the App Store
iOS => iPad native app
An iPad app (separate from iOS app) has been published to App Store
Includes web apps that can be installed via PWA or Electron
macOS => Native app
An installable app is available that isn't a Progressive Web App or thin Electron wrapper
What options exist to control which tasks are deemed most consequential?
Automatic sort
A set of heuristics is available to reorder tasks en masse
Connected priority tasks
It's possible to designate that a task should receive greater priority until a chosen task is complete (i.e., a goal task that auto-adds priority to another task that implements the goal)
Tasks can be marked as "Important"
Numeric priority
Tasks can have a number assigned to them to dictate their relative priority
Priority coloring
User can assign a color to tasks to indicate chosen priority
Urgent or starred
Tasks can be marked as "Urgent" or starred
What options exist for making tasks repeat?
Completion count
How many times a recurring task has been marked complete is visible
Configurable recurrent hiding
Possible to control how long before the next recurring instance the task will become visible
Set tasks to repeat on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis
Fixed => Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly
Fixed task can be scheduled to recur once per day, week, month or year
Fixed => Every N day, week, month or year
Fixed task can be scheduled to recur every 3rd or 5th day, week, month, or year
Fixed => Every other day, week, month or year
Fixed task can be configured to recur every other day, week, month or year
Natural language input
English like "every 3 days" can be used to control how frequently a task recurs
Only weekdays (weekend avoidance)
Only weekends
A task can recur every N time units after it was last marked complete
Options pertaining to how a task can be scheduled or "past due"
Batch reschedule
Multiple tasks can be rescheduled together
Due date (aka "Start time")
A specific date and time at which a task is scheduled to be addressed
Keyboard scheduling
A task can be scheduled without using the mouse
Natural language input
A task can be scheduled using natural language, e.g., "starts next Monday at 7pm"
A notification about an upcoming task can be toggled on/off
Reminder => Interval
User controls how long before task is scheduled the reminder should be shown
Separate "due date" and "start time"
The app offers separate control of when a task is due vs. when work on it is supposed to begin
Show all "past due"
a view that displays all overdue tasks
Time estimate / duration
What options are there for navigating around the app and finding the task you're after?
Full-text search
A list of all tasks containing a word or phrase can be produced
Full-text search => Allow quoted/literal searches
Enclosing the search query with quote brackets, the results only show words from within those quotes
Full-text search => Filter on author
Search results can filter available collaborators of any shared note
Full-text search => Filter on date range
Search results contain notes only within a selected range
Full-text search => Filter on hierarchy
The app’s organizational system (e.g., tags, folders) can be used as a filter for full-text search
Full-text search => Negation
An operator can be used to exclude search results that match a specified term
Link to group
A task can be arranged such that a single click shows multiple associated tasks
Pin to top
A task can be affixed to the top of the task list
Groups of tasks can be accessed from a dedicated "Shortcuts" or "Favorites" area within the app
Task linking
It is possible to link one task to another, such that a single click navigates between them
Task organization hierarchy (tags, folders)
The app provides a means by which to arrange notes such that they can be browsed through a tree structure (e.g., tags, folders)
What features exist to share notes with the world?
An option exists to designate who is expected to complete a task
Basic sharing
A set of tasks can be made available to a second user via emailed invitation
Users can leave a remark about a task
Publish to web
One or more tasks can be published to a URL