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Options pertaining to how a task can be scheduled or "past due" | |
ClickUpFull Details | |
Due date (aka "Start time") A specific date and time at which a task is scheduled to be addressed | |
Keyboard scheduling A task can be scheduled without using the mouse | |
Natural language input A task can be scheduled using natural language, e.g., "starts next Monday at 7pm" | |
Show all "past due" a view that displays all overdue tasks | |
Reminder A notification about an upcoming task can be toggled on/off | |
Reminder » IntervalUser controls how long before task is scheduled the reminder should be shown | |
Batch reschedule Multiple tasks can be rescheduled together | |
Time estimate / duration | |
Separate "due date" and "start time" The app offers separate control of when a task is due vs. when work on it is supposed to begin |